What if…

What if your younger sister who was missing for long time becomes your mother-in-law and your (husband/wife)’s stepmother.

What if she has a child with your father-in-law? what will her child be for you, your nephew/niece? or your (brother/sister)-in-law?


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Ky  avatar
@peepso_user_718(Ky )
It'll be both like my mum's sister is both her cousin AND her sister so she calls her sister her sis-cous so they'd be your nephew-in-law or your neice-in-law
Hanabi avatar
@peepso_user_718(Ky ) Wha-?
Ky  avatar
@peepso_user_718(Ky )
@peepso_user_415(Hanabi) My family’s complicated
-Dr-yahia- avatar
انتي بتقولي اييييييييه!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 months ago
Hanabi avatar
@peepso_user_470(-Dr-yahia-) اترجملككككككك؟
4 months ago