The Realms: The Era Before |Page 2|
–are the options?” Caspian asked. “Well, there’s cidercloud and Fizzler; I had some mead, but some Rainboans came in earlier and drank it all,” Archittle stated. “I will try the cidercloud,” Caspian said. Archittle handed a glass of it to him a moment later. The cidercloud was apple cider mixed with alcohol, and the rest of the glass was filled with a mist produced by the beverage. “Drink Up Youngster.” Caspian lifted the glass to his mouth, taking a quick drink of the whole thing. This caused him to feel a tinge of alcohol, but not much. “Is that all?” Archittle asked, watching the Elf drink up the cidercloud. Caspian nodded, “Thank you.” Archittle nodded in return before going to the other end of the bar to serve another patron. Caspian, deciding to get to his room, walked up the creaky old stairs of the tavern to the second level before walking down a few doors in its second floor hall. As he opened the door, he saw the same cloaked figure that had been sitting in the booth downstairs staring at him, but this time he could get a look at his features, they appeared to be a male Sun Elf with gold colored Elvish markings across the Sun Elf’s face. Caspian tried to ignore him. Though these attempts were ineffective as the Sun Elf started up conversation “I overheard you talking to Archittle about a bounty.” The Sun Elf stated. Caspian cursed under his breath before glancing over at the other Elf. “Yeah? What about it?”. The Sun Elf smirked, winking, “I am Astril, and I bet I can give you a better bounty to go after than that old man offered you to go after “. “Doubt it,” Caspian said, grinning. “But tell me.”. Astril grinned at this: “Well, it’s more of a treasure hoard nearby, and it will pay way more than whatever bounty the old man offered you, and I will even go with you to ensure your safety.” “I am not a treasure hunter,” Caspian stated sternly. Astril simply shrugged at this, a grin still etched on his face. “Well then, at least let me come with you, because let’s just say Silingard is not the most exciting of places.”. Astril’s plea caused Caspian to debate whether he should allow the other Elf to come with him or not. “Yeah, no,” Capian decided, but this didn’t stop Astril from trying to convince him. “Oh, come on,” Astril started. “You can keep all of the bounty’s pay. I do not even want it. I just want some adventure.” Caspian finally gave in grumbling a “fine.” As soon as the grumble of agreement left Caspian’s mouth, Astril regained his composure. “Thank you also, sorry about the whole begging thing; Silingard is just quite the boring place.” Caspian nodded at this yawning. Astril’s ears perked up at the yawning. “You can take the bed closer to the door since I was pestering you so much; it is comfier, and the reason I know this because I tested it when I first got here before you came.” “Thanks,” Caspian muttered before plopping down onto the bed Astril recommended and soon falling into slumber.
The next morning Caspian awoke to the sound of mumbling. Opening his eyes, he found the source of the mumbling to be Astril, who had apparently fallen asleep in the window ledge of the room. Before making it to bed, Caspian let out a slight sigh of relief as he saw the window closed, which meant that Astril couldn’t accidentally fall out of the-

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