And the winner is…
(Also I’ll be doing this again next year)
Semifinals Winner
Tankia (Tankia Tanks) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
Tankia (Tankia Tanks)
Who Will Win?
Tankia (Tankia Tanks) VS Naruto Nation (Naruto Runners)
Round 3 Winners
Tankia (Tankia Tanks) VS Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees)
Tankia (Tankia Tanks)
Rainboa (Rainboan Boas) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
(I use wheel decide for this so I find it ironic that the two teams that people placed bets on are the ones that won XD)
DXC Cup Semifinal
Tankia (Tankia Tanks) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
Round 2 Winners
The Empire of Unity (Unity Yitins) VS Tankia (Tankia Tanks)
Tankia (Tankia Tanks)
Alvoria (Alvoria Harpies) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
The Oracle Nation (The Oracles) VS Naruto Nation (Naruto Runners)
Naruto Nation (Naruto Runners)
Coast City (Coast City Conchs) VS Rainboa (Rainboan Boas)
Rainboa (Rainboan Boas)
Kachow Empire (Kachow Bolts) VS Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees)
Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees)
The roster for the 3rd round of the DXC Cup
Tankia (Tankia Tanks) VS Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees)
Rainboa (Rainboan Boas) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
(Naruto Nation will go against the winner of the semi-finals)
Round 1 Winners
The Empire of Unity (Unity Yitins) VS Alagadda (Alagadda Slithers)
The Empire of Unity (Unity Yitins)
Empire of Fire (The Firesnakes) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
The Oracle Nation (The Oracles) VS Potato Empire (The Farmers)
The Oracle Nation (The Oracles)
Spooky Dragoons (The Spooky Dragons) VS Rainboa (Rainboan Boas)
Rainboa (Rainboan Boas)
Kachow Empire (Kachow Bolts) VS Imperium of Man (The Imperials)
Kachow Empire (Kachow Bolts)
Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees) VS The Furballs (Furball Scallywags)
Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees)
Astria (Astria Stars) VS Coast City (Coast City Conchs)
Coast City (Coast City Conchs)
Naruto Nation (Naruto Runners) VS Vivara (Vivara Selkies)
Naruto Nation (Naruto Runners)
Alvoria (Alvoria Harpies) VS Panem (Panem Olives)
Alvoria (Alvoria Harpies)
Now for the 2nd round roster for the DXC Cup
The Empire of Unity (Unity Yitins) VS Tankia (Tankia Tanks)
Alvoria (Alvoria Harpies) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
The Oracle Nation (The Oracles) VS Naruto Nation (Naruto Runners)
Coast City (Coast City Conchs) VS Rainboa (Rainboan Boas)
Kachow Empire (Kachow Bolts) VS Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees)
So basically in The Realms there’s this sport that is actually the national sport of the Empire of Unity but every Realmian country plays it and every year there’s a continent-wide championship where each country tries to win the DXC (Derby X Championship) Cup and for a bit of description on the sport. Derby X is set up like this, one each side of the field or court is a hoop held off the ground by a beam like you’d see in quidditch but it’s close to the ground rather than up in the air and in the middle of the field is a large obstacle course-like maze. How you earn points is by either finding the ball and then putting it through the other teams hoop, tapping one of the special pads that are on each players uniform, or your team can also earn points by one of your team’s players being harmed by someone on the opposing team (If this happens the footage will be heavily watched and reviewed and if it is found out you faked the injury or caused it to yourself just to get a point then your team will immediately be forced to forfeit and be disqualified. Then how these points work is that only the very first point and hoop points are just given to you all other points are just taken from the other teams tally also you don’t have to get to a certain number of points to be able to win it is determined by when time is up whoever has the most points is the winner. Also if you are a creature that has wings or can use magic it is prohibited to use these features during the game. Now onto the roster for this year’s DXC Cup! (Also this is only the first round and I will be doing post things for the other rounds)
The Empire of Unity (Unity Yitins) VS Alagadda (Alagadda Slithers)
Empire of Fire (The Firesnakes) VS Flowston (Flowston Blooms)
The Oracle Nation (The Oracles) VS Potato Empire (The Farmers)
Spooky Dragoons (The Spooky Dragons) VS Rainboa (Rainboan Boas)
Kachow Empire (Kachow Bolts) VS Imperium of Man (The Imperials)
Thoraxia (Thoraxia Bees) VS The Furballs (Furball Scallywags)
Astria (Astria Stars) VS Coast City (Coast City Conchs)
Naruto Nation (Naruto Runners) VS Vivara (Vivara Selkies)
Alvoria (Alvoria Harpies) VS Panem (Panem Olives)
Tankia (Tankia Tanks| No team to go against)
Ok so something I’m pretty sure I forgot to put in the info post is that 1. Yitin first names tend to be pretty long which is why most Yitins usually go by their middle names or a nickname, 2. Yitins don’t have last names, they have a first and a middle name, then if they do have a last name it’s just a combination of their parents first names. Like my OC niece Katsu has a last name which is Btiii cause her dad’s names were Atrix and Beiki ok I think that’s all the info I forgot to put in the other thing also if you have any questions about Yitin culture in case you’d like to use it in your story just ask me cause I’ll gladly give you any info you need about ‘em.
Ok so basically I wanna see what would happen if you lot tried making a story where you use at least two characters that are Yitins so here are some of the rules.
Ok so time for the info about Yitins. Average Yitin height tends to range from 6-7 feet so say your 5’6 in Human height your Yitin height would be 6’6. Yitins don’t have an official country but have civilization as a species, this civilization is split into four factions (and no it doesn’t give them differences from each other) so there’s water Yitins (who typically live in coastal, swamp, or mangrove villages), earth Yitins (who usually live in villages of makeshift market booths and adobe like houses that you enter through the top), sky Yitins (Sky Yitins typically live in tree top villages where their houses a long ways of the ground and built around the base of the tree), stars Yitins (These Yitins usually live in lavish houses filled with artworks, they don’t really have set villages though they usually have houses just outside of the villages of other Yitins), & then there’s Yitannia which is the civilization capital and this is where there’s a whole bunch of different Yitins from different factions and different houses. The whites of a Yitins eyes are either black or yellow and sometimes if said person has heterochromia they may have both. They have horns that grow out of their head but they usually don’t start to begin growing until the age of five also the horns can be any type of horn and it can grow out of any way on said Yitins head. They have elf ears. Their canine teeth are also sharper and slightly more noticeable than a Humans. Instead of normal nails they have black nails and grow naturally to a talon like point. They’re born with wings which like horns there are many variations of but the bones in the wings don’t usually hollow out until they reach the age of ten which means they can’t use their wings to fly until they reach age ten. Then there’s a Yitin’s tail, their tails are as unique as their finger print and the only reason my oc son Lupe has the same tail as me is because he’s a clone of my exact DNA. Also I think that’s about it but if you have any questions about Yitins for the challenge please do ask me. Oh also when you create the story can you please comment my username thing in the comments of it so I can find it.
(Pt. 1 Cause I haven’t fully created the translation guide IRL also this is just how it is pronounced in Aichant not how it is spelt)
Little —> Nonew
Sister —> Uca
Idiot (Don’t ask) —> Boboomla
Sisters —> Ucasook
Idiots (Again don’t ask) —> Boboomlasook
Greeting —> Gasha
Greetings —> Gashasook
Big —> Va
Brother —> Loombi
Brothers —> Loombisook
I —> Tooch
Am —> Rama
Right —> Chakleem
Rights —> Chakleemsook
Did —> Sifin
Say —> Sakar
That —> Dootar
Resent —> Rafoos
Resents —> Rafoosook
Skirt —> Kalcha
Skirts —> Kalchasook
Hello —> Noosha
Hi —> Noos
Guardian —> Tocolo
First —> Nitiyi
One —> Niti
Guardians —> Tocolosook
Boy —> Rotin
Boys —> Rotinsook
Girl —> Yi
Girls —> Yisook
Mother —> Rasma
Mom —> Ras
Mommy —> Rasee
Father —> Fasmalal
Dad —> Malal
Daddy —> Malally
Baby —> Findel
Uncle —> Calca
Mothers —> Rasmasook
Moms —> Rasook
Fathers —> Fasmalalsook
Dads —> Malalsook
Aunt —> Chachi
Auntie —> Chachili
Gun (Don’t ask) —> Flarech
Cousin —> Nichela
Cousins —> Nichelasook
Neice —> Kalfarchi
Nephew —> Kaltar
Neices —> Kalfarchisook
Nephews —> Kaltarsook
Fist —> Chamsi
Bump —> Clumpa
Parent —> Sufa
Parents —> Sufasook
Grand —> Fashta
Grands —> Fashtasook
Grandparent —> Sufafashta
Grandparents —> Sufafashtasook
Of —> Entsa
Dark —> Karch
Darkness —> Karchimp
Light —> Hoomli
Lights —> Hoomlisook
Bright —> Flimko
Brightness —> Flimkoimp
Son —> Naima
Daughter —> Silkint
Sons —> Naimasook
Daughters —> Silkintsook
Grandson —> Fashtanaima
Granddaughter —> Fashtasilkint
Grandsons —> Fashtanaimasook
Granddaughters —> Fashtasilkintsook
Granddad —> Fashtamalal
Grandfather —> Fashtafasmalal
The —> Sinte
Water —> Valsa
Waters —> Valsasook
Earth —> Tialoe
Sky —> Inzo
Star —> Tenpar
Stars —> Tenparsook
Nature —> Meiya
Friend —> Kamya
Boyfriend —> Rotinkamya
Girlfriend —> Yikamya
Eternity —> Invarmi
Love —> Arim
Girlfriends —> Yikamyasook
Boyfriends —> Rotinkamyasook
Loves —> Arimsook
Fate —> Himkal
Fates —> Himkalsook
Wind —> Vu
Winds —> Vusook
Heart —> Mirasha
Hearts —> Mirashasook
Tradition —> Instradom
Traditions —> Instradomsook
Old —> Seisaro
New —> Vitempin
In —> Tal
Stone —> Os
Game —> Efin
News —> Vitempinsook
Stones —> Osook
Games —> Efinsook
Battle —> Halla
Battles —> Hallasook
Lover —> Skiarim
Lovers —> Skiarimsook
War —> Fintish
Wars —> Fintishsook
Peace —> Gantlin
Earths —> Tialoesook
Moon —> Viple
Moons —> Viplesook
Sun —> Zazoff
Suns —> Zazoffsook
Lunar —> Plesive
Solar —> Zoffall
My —> Coolaf
Animal —> Malan
Bird —> Irdid
Mammal —> Ammashal
Reptile —> Tilep
Fish —> Isfadol
Animals —> Malansook
Mammals —> Ammashalsook
Reptiles —> Tilepsook
Fishes —> Vilisfadolsook
Class —> Voolstivar
Classes —> Vilvoolstivarsook
Different —> Siarechen
Hate —> Ockvence
Hates —> Ockvencesook
Type —> Vaffzan
Types —> Vaffzansook
Human —> Piltcha
Humans —> Piltchasook
Blood —> Sinthes
Humanoid —> Esfinpiltcha
Humanoids —> Esfinpiltchasook
Robot —> Istoolkitch
Robots —> Istoolkitchsook
Android —> Isadench
Androids —> Isadenchsook
Droid —> Dench
Droids —> Denchsook
Fae —> Bervanti / Bervantisook (Fae is both a single and a plural word so ya)
Pixie —> Berva
Pixies —> Bervasook
Wolf —> Olvivska
Wolves —> Vilolvivskasook
Cat —> Ackarlar
Cats —> Ackarlarsook
Were —> Holive
Werewolf —> Holiveolvivska
Werewolves —> Vilholiveolvivskasook
Werecat —> Holiveackarlar
Werecats —> Holiveackarlarsook
Fallen —> Lakancht
Angel —> Rallap
Demon —> Klitetov
Angels —> Rallapsook
Demons —> Klitetovsook
Half —> Otenla
Hybrid —> Illieda
Shrimp —> Imerfilisk
Halves —> Vilotenlasook
Hybrids —> Illiedasook
Shrimps —> Imerfilisksook
Realm —> Macvelch
Realms —> Machvelchsook
Outer —> Votelispkin
Inner —> Nikpsiletov
Outers —> Votelispkinsook
Inners —> Nikpsiletovsook
Food —> Kalvootenk
Foods —> Kalvootenksook
Book —> Tenshif
Books —> Tenshifsook
Royal —> Photeal
Royals —> Photealsook
Royalty —> Oteale
Royalties —> Vilotealesook
Emperor —> Vinviltic
(I am planning on trying to create some more translations soon so maybe you lot can suggest some words for me to do?)
(Basically it’s an old Yitin story of how Yitin’s first came to be oh also here’s a little translation |Sinte = The| Nitiyi = First| I will also do more translations at the bottom of this)
Once many moons ago before the time of the Astral Settling (Can make another story about what this is if you guys would want to hear about it) a human girl that was still just an infant had been left in the woods by parents that had no care for their only daughter, their only child. Meiya took pity on the poor human child and decided to raise her as her own child naming her Nitiyi. As Nitiyi grew up as the daughter of Nature herself, she did not grow up alone. She had many siblings but there were four of these siblings she enjoyed hanging out with more than the rest. These siblings were Valsa who could play for hours yet never get tired, Tialoe who was rough on the outside but was really just protective, Inzo who had the kindest soul of any, and then Tenpar who was known to be the wisest of all her siblings. Then there was Mage and Sapphire, two born from existence instead of from another like Meiya. Their true names were Magic and Dark Blood Magic, twins who had a small bit of each other in both of them. Mage was sweet, curious, and enjoyed hanging out with others. Though his sister Sapphire was cold, distant, and caring to only her brother. Sapphire began to become jealous of Nitiyi and her siblings as her brother started to hang out with them more and more. By this time Nitiyi had matured to the mortal age of 16, and so had she changed. Her canine teeth had sharpened from the amount of meat she usually consumed, her nails had been stained black from tree sap, and she had grown to be 6’4. Sapphire had managed to convince her brother to blast her with some magic. Though as the blast was fired she managed to get it to hit Nitiyi. Since Mage and Sapphire are magic themselves incarnate their magic is unflitered which means it has no purpose and will go until all energy put into it has been released, so the magic from the blast began to change Nitiyi. Her ears turned into that of an elves, she grew antler-like horns from her head, her nails sharpened beginning to resemble talons, the whites of her eyes began to turn black as the starless night, she grew wings from her back, and a tail sprouted out from her body where her tailbone ended. While no real harm had been caused to Nitiyi she clearly could no longer be classified as human. That is the Legend of Sinte Nitiyi or the Legend of The First.
(Meiya = Nature|Valsa = Water|Tialoe = Earth|Inzo = Sky|Tenpar = Star)
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