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Ok so something I’m pretty sure I forgot to put in the info post is that 1. Yitin first names tend to be pretty long which is why most Yitins usually go by their middle names or a nickname, 2. Yitins don’t have last names, they have a first and a middle name, then if they do have a last name it’s just a combination of their parents first names. Like my OC niece Katsu has a last name which is Btiii cause her dad’s names were Atrix and Beiki ok I think that’s all the info I forgot to put in the other thing also if you have any questions about Yitin culture in case you’d like to use it in your story just ask me cause I’ll gladly give you any info you need about ‘em.

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@peepso_user_718(Ky )
@peepso_user_470(-Dr-yahia-) @peepso_user_862(.Seyoon.) @peepso_user_856(Aciel) @peepso_user_122(Alice) @peepso_user_60(Elwin) @peepso_user_3(ERook) @peepso_user_415(Hanabi) @peepso_user_127(Lelsisbae) @peepso_user_58(maxfisch) @peepso_user_2(thisbemax) @peepso_user_848(Halal_Muslimah) @peepso_user_873(Youssra) @peepso_user_414(QYCY.ORANGE)
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@peepso_user_718(Ky )
@peepso_user_122(Alice) No problem can’t wait to see the stories you lot make