(Pt. 1 Cause I haven’t fully created the translation guide IRL also this is just how it is pronounced in Aichant not how it is spelt)
Little —> Nonew
Sister —> Uca
Idiot (Don’t ask) —> Boboomla
Sisters —> Ucasook
Idiots (Again don’t ask) —> Boboomlasook
Greeting —> Gasha
Greetings —> Gashasook
Big —> Va
Brother —> Loombi
Brothers —> Loombisook
I —> Tooch
Am —> Rama
Right —> Chakleem
Rights —> Chakleemsook
Did —> Sifin
Say —> Sakar
That —> Dootar
Resent —> Rafoos
Resents —> Rafoosook
Skirt —> Kalcha
Skirts —> Kalchasook
Hello —> Noosha
Hi —> Noos
Guardian —> Tocolo
First —> Nitiyi
One —> Niti
Guardians —> Tocolosook
Boy —> Rotin
Boys —> Rotinsook
Girl —> Yi
Girls —> Yisook
Mother —> Rasma
Mom —> Ras
Mommy —> Rasee
Father —> Fasmalal
Dad —> Malal
Daddy —> Malally
Baby —> Findel
Uncle —> Calca
Mothers —> Rasmasook
Moms —> Rasook
Fathers —> Fasmalalsook
Dads —> Malalsook
Aunt —> Chachi
Auntie —> Chachili
Gun (Don’t ask) —> Flarech
Cousin —> Nichela
Cousins —> Nichelasook
Neice —> Kalfarchi
Nephew —> Kaltar
Neices —> Kalfarchisook
Nephews —> Kaltarsook
Fist —> Chamsi
Bump —> Clumpa
Parent —> Sufa
Parents —> Sufasook
Grand —> Fashta
Grands —> Fashtasook
Grandparent —> Sufafashta
Grandparents —> Sufafashtasook
Of —> Entsa
Dark —> Karch
Darkness —> Karchimp
Light —> Hoomli
Lights —> Hoomlisook
Bright —> Flimko
Brightness —> Flimkoimp
Son —> Naima
Daughter —> Silkint
Sons —> Naimasook
Daughters —> Silkintsook
Grandson —> Fashtanaima
Granddaughter —> Fashtasilkint
Grandsons —> Fashtanaimasook
Granddaughters —> Fashtasilkintsook
Granddad —> Fashtamalal
Grandfather —> Fashtafasmalal
The —> Sinte
Water —> Valsa
Waters —> Valsasook
Earth —> Tialoe
Sky —> Inzo
Star —> Tenpar
Stars —> Tenparsook
Nature —> Meiya
Friend —> Kamya
Boyfriend —> Rotinkamya
Girlfriend —> Yikamya
Eternity —> Invarmi
Love —> Arim
Girlfriends —> Yikamyasook
Boyfriends —> Rotinkamyasook
Loves —> Arimsook
Fate —> Himkal
Fates —> Himkalsook
Wind —> Vu
Winds —> Vusook
Heart —> Mirasha
Hearts —> Mirashasook
Tradition —> Instradom
Traditions —> Instradomsook
Old —> Seisaro
New —> Vitempin
In —> Tal
Stone —> Os
Game —> Efin
News —> Vitempinsook
Stones —> Osook
Games —> Efinsook
Battle —> Halla
Battles —> Hallasook
Lover —> Skiarim
Lovers —> Skiarimsook
War —> Fintish
Wars —> Fintishsook
Peace —> Gantlin
Earths —> Tialoesook
Moon —> Viple
Moons —> Viplesook
Sun —> Zazoff
Suns —> Zazoffsook
Lunar —> Plesive
Solar —> Zoffall
My —> Coolaf
Animal —> Malan
Bird —> Irdid
Mammal —> Ammashal
Reptile —> Tilep
Fish —> Isfadol
Animals —> Malansook
Mammals —> Ammashalsook
Reptiles —> Tilepsook
Fishes —> Vilisfadolsook
Class —> Voolstivar
Classes —> Vilvoolstivarsook
Different —> Siarechen
Hate —> Ockvence
Hates —> Ockvencesook
Type —> Vaffzan
Types —> Vaffzansook
Human —> Piltcha
Humans —> Piltchasook
Blood —> Sinthes
Humanoid —> Esfinpiltcha
Humanoids —> Esfinpiltchasook
Robot —> Istoolkitch
Robots —> Istoolkitchsook
Android —> Isadench
Androids —> Isadenchsook
Droid —> Dench
Droids —> Denchsook
Fae —> Bervanti / Bervantisook (Fae is both a single and a plural word so ya)
Pixie —> Berva
Pixies —> Bervasook
Wolf —> Olvivska
Wolves —> Vilolvivskasook
Cat —> Ackarlar
Cats —> Ackarlarsook
Were —> Holive
Werewolf —> Holiveolvivska
Werewolves —> Vilholiveolvivskasook
Werecat —> Holiveackarlar
Werecats —> Holiveackarlarsook
Fallen —> Lakancht
Angel —> Rallap
Demon —> Klitetov
Angels —> Rallapsook
Demons —> Klitetovsook
Half —> Otenla
Hybrid —> Illieda
Shrimp —> Imerfilisk
Halves —> Vilotenlasook
Hybrids —> Illiedasook
Shrimps —> Imerfilisksook
Realm —> Macvelch
Realms —> Machvelchsook
Outer —> Votelispkin
Inner —> Nikpsiletov
Outers —> Votelispkinsook
Inners —> Nikpsiletovsook
Food —> Kalvootenk
Foods —> Kalvootenksook
Book —> Tenshif
Books —> Tenshifsook
Royal —> Photeal
Royals —> Photealsook
Royalty —> Oteale
Royalties —> Vilotealesook
Emperor —> Vinviltic
(I am planning on trying to create some more translations soon so maybe you lot can suggest some words for me to do?)
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