The Legend of Sinte Nitiyi

(Basically it’s an old Yitin story of how Yitin’s first came to be oh also here’s a little translation |Sinte = The| Nitiyi = First| I will also do more translations at the bottom of this)


Once many moons ago before the time of the Astral Settling (Can make another story about what this is if you guys would want to hear about it) a human girl that was still just an infant had been left in the woods by parents that had no care for their only daughter, their only child. Meiya took pity on the poor human child and decided to raise her as her own child naming her Nitiyi. As Nitiyi grew up as the daughter of Nature herself, she did not grow up alone. She had many siblings but there were four of these siblings she enjoyed hanging out with more than the rest. These siblings were Valsa who could play for hours yet never get tired, Tialoe who was rough on the outside but was really just protective, Inzo who had the kindest soul of any, and then Tenpar who was known to be the wisest of all her siblings. Then there was Mage and Sapphire, two born from existence instead of from another like Meiya. Their true names were Magic and Dark Blood Magic, twins who had a small bit of each other in both of them. Mage was sweet, curious, and enjoyed hanging out with others. Though his sister Sapphire was cold, distant, and caring to only her brother. Sapphire began to become jealous of Nitiyi and her siblings as her brother started to hang out with them more and more. By this time Nitiyi had matured to the mortal age of 16, and so had she changed. Her canine teeth had sharpened from the amount of meat she usually consumed, her nails had been stained black from tree sap, and she had grown to be 6’4. Sapphire had managed to convince her brother to blast her with some magic. Though as the blast was fired she managed to get it to hit Nitiyi. Since Mage and Sapphire are magic themselves incarnate their magic is unflitered which means it has no purpose and will go until all energy put into it has been released, so the magic from the blast began to change Nitiyi. Her ears turned into that of an elves, she grew antler-like horns from her head, her nails sharpened beginning to resemble talons, the whites of her eyes began to turn black as the starless night, she grew wings from her back, and a tail sprouted out from her body where her tailbone ended. While no real harm had been caused to Nitiyi she clearly could no longer be classified as human. That is the Legend of Sinte Nitiyi or the Legend of The First.

(Meiya = Nature|Valsa = Water|Tialoe = Earth|Inzo = Sky|Tenpar = Star)

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Ky  avatar
@peepso_user_718(Ky )
@peepso_user_60(Elwin) What do you think? Also I'm asking you cause you've created majority of the world building tips on here I mean I created this before reading but still
Ky  avatar
@peepso_user_718(Ky )
@peepso_user_60(Elwin) I was planning on that cause I have multiple books of this stuff IRL and fun fact most of Yitin culture has actually been lost and Realmian archaeologists are trying to rediscover it but the whole Yitin species was massacred except the Majesty Triplets and they were five when it happened and only one of them had started remembering stuff yet
Ky  avatar
@peepso_user_718(Ky )
@peepso_user_60(Elwin) Sorry if that was a lot also what timezone are you lot in cause it's 9:25 PM for me and you and two other people just got online
Elwin avatar
I'm on Mountain time!!
Ky  avatar
@peepso_user_718(Ky )
@peepso_user_60(Elwin) I'm Eastern Daylight Time...