Teenage Tensions |Page 1|
The Boiling Isles, a place to be for a human, a witch, or a demon, we learned that when Luz the human defeated many challenges and Emperor Belos. Proving that humans can learn magic too with just a little bit of hope.
Nova huffed looking at the paper her human teacher, Luz, had just handed her. She had been inspired by Luz, and though this was the best interaction she could hope for, she wasn’t exactly thrilled about the confrontation she was going to have to have with her parents about her going to Hexside to study wild magic. Another student at Hexside, Ky, had been going to Hexside since he was a little kid. I mean, when he was a kid, he would often accidentally cause abomination explosions, but he was past that now, and he was proud to say that he was in both the abomination track and the illusion track. Then there was Ajha, who was walking through the halls; he should be in class right now, but he didn’t feel like participating in anything. Besides how much could be going on, it was only the first day. He halted to a stop in front of a random door. Taking out a spray can, he looked at the door, debating whether he actually should or not. After a moment or two, though, he decides against it, throwing the spray can back into his bag. Nova always stayed in wild magic, but today she had a new class, human studies. “Welcome to human interactions.” Luz said, “The paper I gave you will help you have a conversation just in case you want to go to the human realm.” This statement caused Nova to smile; she definitely wanted to go to the human realm even though she was only half witch she had never been. Ky was playing around with a frog he had made out of abomination goo. Ajha had just continued walking, not really planning on going to class unless a teacher dragged him there. Gus, the illusions teacher at Hexside, just happened to be walking by when he spotted Ajha. “You should be in class troublemaker.” He joked; he was actually one of the nicest teachers at Hexside. As class ended, Nova walked up to Luz and said, “Mrs. Noceda, do you know where the portal doors are? I mean, you were there, right?” She asked, and Luz responded, grinning and slipping her a map with some light glyphs. “You can call me my name; you know every other student does, but don’t tell anybody else. I gave you this, and here, take these light glyphs; it will help you see the map better.”. Ajha looked up from his feet, now looking at Gus. “And why would I want to go to class?” He stated his remained face blank, but his eyes clearly showed fear and anxiety. He hated getting in trouble, and the panic of being caught skipping began to settle in. This caused Gus to panic slightly. “You’re not in trouble, but you should get to class; tell me what’s your second class, and I’ll take you there, or you can sit in my classroom until your best class comes around!”. Ajha shrugged at this: “I don’t know what my class is; I never really cared to find out. I don’t know what I’m good at, just graffiti, that’s all.”. Gus smiled, looking at Ajha. “Well, then you might fit in at the abomination or illusion class.”. Nova entered the hallway, turning-

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