Xyrnonian Post #1
*Xyronians.. come in many shapes and sizes..*
*Some looking human..*
*And some… not too human looking*
*Known to be one of the many extremely powerful, Kindest/most merciful, honorable and most diverse species in the infinite mystery that is space..*
*But what makes them so powerful? So.. feared and respected? What makes them a force that no sane human, alien, or whatever should ever reckon with?*
*Well dear viewer.. I am here to tell you..! Let’s start off with something simple, where the Xyronians live, love, learn and thrive.. The Starship.*
*Apart from the powerful Non-Lethal & Lethal cannons surrounding most of the ship, Their stupidly strong shield that can tank missiles, lasers, and even meteor impacts.. and even holds a regeneration feature! Due to their nature of wanting to give attackers a chance to retreat they tend to use non-lethals.*
*Now, down to the Xyronians themselves.. The species hold many natural and & some Unique abilities.. First I will start with the natural ones!*
(..NOTE: Unique powers are somewhat hard to tie down, so, I may ask for help with that)
- -Superhuman Stamina (Known limits of Hybrids are 9 weeks, limit for Pures are 5 months to 3 years)
- -Superhuman Strength
- -Superhuman Speed
- -Superhuman Endurance
- -Flight/Interstellar Travel
- -Enhanced Lung Capacity
- -Extreme Durability/Nigh-Invulnerability
- -Decelerated Aging
- A-Gene/Reactive Adaption: The Pride and Joy of the Xyronians. A power that allows their bodies to adapt to extreme conditions and or extreme harm done to the body. It usually occurs after the body has either spent enough time in the extreme condition or healed respectively. This gene can even go into what some call “Overdrive” where the body of the effected begins to straight up turn the effected’s body into something that perfectly adapts to wherever they are while retaining their previous abilities.
- Enhanced Healing Factor (Said to be able to survive disembowelment, decapitation, limb removal/organ damage with little to no issue. Though depending on the wound)
- Enhanced Senses
- Immunity to Earthly Diseases and Sicknesses
But, all species have their weaknesses.
- Magic: Magic is something that messes up the A-Gene and in a way their very biology due to it’s esoteric nature.
2. Sensory Overload: Xyronian senses are powerful but sensitive, sonic attacks mainly are the worst.
3. Those with opposing powers/Equal Strength: Equal strength is self explanatory, as they can cause enough injury to harm and or kill other Xyronian. Now, those with “Opposing Powers” are a lot more dangerous as they obviously hold powers that possibly renders the victim’s useless.

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