Way of The Halfbloods |Page 5|

Jason winced slightly at the loud noise. “Cheerful, we have a god running camp.”. Ky turned to face Jason, asking, “Which god?” “Dionysus,” replied Jason. “He just said that he’s the god of wine, but he is stuck with diet coke because he got banned from drinking wine.” . “Wait, if he’s the god of wine, how did he get banned from drinking it?” Ky said, looking perplexed for a moment. “He offended Zeus by persuing a nymph that was off limits,” Jason stated. “Of course he did, and what else did he do? Drink some sacred wine,” Nova said with a small giggle. “Absolutely hilarious.”. Jason spoke out as he felt Mr. D’s stare cutting right through them. “All wine is sacred to him; do not shut up; he’s glaring at us,” Jason added. “Fine.” Ky expressed a minor annoyance that the amusing exchange had ended. “Welcome to camp.” Mr. D went on to say, “During the choosing ceremony, one of your parents will claim you when the time is convenient for them.”. Without realizing that his hair had once again turned purple, Ky grinned broadly and exclaimed, “Epic!” Jason laughed at Ky. “Your hairs fire again, Ky, and you do realize having a god running camp is terrifying.” . Jason’s smirk persisted on their faces as they said, “He could strike us whenever. “I know, I know,” Ky said, causing his hair to return to its usual state. “Cool, but I can’t deny that he scares me,” Nova smirked. “Who scares you, Nova? ” asked Jason, glancing at Nova. “Wine god and satyr,” declared Nova. Jason rolled their eyes and said, “Chiron is a centuar, not a satyr.” “The centuar I don’t know much about, but the wine god seems epic! ” Ky laughed. “Also, I’m still curious about the whole capture the flag thing.” Nova said, “Same, and my bad because I have no idea how to tell the difference.” Ky replied, “Oh, it’s simple: a centuar is a horse, and a satyr is a goat.” “Satyr equals half human, half goat, and a centuar equals half human, half horse,” added Jason. “Basically, I made things simpler. They’re glaring at us again, guys .” With a hesitant laugh, Ky moved behind Jason by taking a step. Jason gave Ky a pat on the head and turned to face Mr. D. After saying, “You’ll live,” Jason made the “sup” gesture with their heads. Ky giggled. “You were just freaking out about them glaring at us a few seconds ago.”. “Bullshit, I wasn’t!” smiled Jason. “Yes, of course.” Ky smiled as well. “And just a brief inquiry. Can I bring my pet to this camp?” “Definatly a good question,” said Nova. “And yeah, you did. I wish they would stop glaring at us.” She took a tiny step backward. “I think pets are allowed; some guy named Percy had a hellhound,” replied Jason. Sighing, Ky said, “Well, that’s good, because I may have snuck in a pet.” Then he smiled. Jason said “cool” after smiling. “Yes, and I snuck mine in too, but it’s pretty basic,” Nova said, turning to go after giving them a quick glance. “I’m going to go talk to Apollo Cabin’s members and see if I can make them mad,” she said. Ky said, “Okay,” and then he moved to approach a bush. Just then, an albino manticore cub leaped out at Ky, knocking him to the ground. “Calm down, Eliza,” Ky chuckled. “You idiot!” “What am I saying, I have a hellhound?” Jason sighed. “Those things usually try to kill demis usually.” “Eliza’s just a baby, though, plus if anyone tries to hurt me, my family, or my friends, I can sic Eliza on ’em,” said Ky as he got up to pick up the manticore cub. “I still prefer hellhounds,” grinned Jason. “What’s your hellhound’s-

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