Leo, AKA: Ace
Name: Leonardo [N/A]
Alias: My Older Brother (His 2 siblings), The First Born (His parents), Leonardo Coven (Formerly; Last name abandoned), Hell-Fire (Himself)
Alignment: N/A
Species: Homo-Supremes (99%)/Homo-Magic (1%)
“Oohhh.. That’s pretty badass man.. Too bad I already learned it.”
He is a stoic, aloof, confident, and focused individual who rarely shows emotion. While rather crude and violent, he’s cautious, choosing to retreat when his mother arrived to aid his father and made sure not to divulge too much information to his brother about Onyx because of the infancy of their relationship.
Overall, Leo is a highly enigmatic individual who trusts no one, preferring to do things alone and in his way. He also gives off the impression of knowing more about certain people than he lets on.. He also tends to be extremely smug, sociopathic, petty, and a bit “Extra” as he puts it. As he tends to do things that some say “Were in no way neccessary,”
But.. He does show positive emotion out side of brutally cooking others. When around his loved ones, Onyx & Terra, he actually is far more peaceful, Kind, and Loving.. To the point those that knew him before are freaked out.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omnisexual Demiromantic
Pronouns: His/He
Occupation: N/A
Street-Fighting/Boxing Mastery
Drumming Mastery
Break-dancing/Parkour Mastery
Magic/Spells/Potion Intuition
Intimidation/Interrogation Mastery
Sarcasm/Insult/Taunting Mastery
Enhanced Survivability/Supernatural Endurance
Rage Empowerment Supernatural Condition (III)
Superior Human Physiology (99%):
Burn/Melt/Absolute Burning/Incinerate
Black-Fire/Heat Manipulation/Absorption/Attacks/Generation/Solidification/Constructs
Fire/Heat Immunity
Personal Heat
Pyrokinetic Flight
Volatile Force Manipulation
Pyrokinesis Bestowal
Fire Infusion
Fire Mimicry
Firestorm Creation
Pyrokinetic Combat
Pyrokinetic Regeneration/Supernatural Regeneration
Pyric Energy Manipulation (Kinetic Concentration/Remote Detonation/Infusion)
Abyss Effect (His flames are connected to a Omniversal being called Voidon and his flames are able to negate/eat up other projectiles)
Homo-Magi Side (1%):
Magic Resistance
Magic Negation
Magic Object Usage (Coin of Immortality/Book Of Generational Spells)
Regeneration Boost (Up to Nigh-Absolute)
Fire Immunity, Fire Resistance, and/or Thermal Resistance
His powers can be somewhat countered by variations of water, ice, and/or cold.
While his small 1% of Homo-Magi genes does protect him from the effects of magic, his resistance to potion effects and magic is lower
Both Onyx and Terra are his weaknesses.. but it’s still advised to try and not pull anything with that
Overuse of his powers (Exceding 30000 degrees) will cause his flames to eat away at him
Backstory: N/A
Extra Info:
When overusing his powers, his flames grow whiter instead of getting bluer
He has multiple moves, each having “Nuke” in a different language
He actually doesn’t like spicy food all that much, preferring sweet and sour.
His aunt is his new motherly figure

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