Name: Kurona
Age: 14
Gender: female
Date of Birth: 10/31
Place of Birth: demon world
Race: white
Occupation: idk
Current place of residence: human world
Voice type (What it sounds like. If you like, list a voice actor who you think would best put life into your OC.):Colleen Clinkenbeard
Quirks, strange mannerisms, and/or annoying habits: demon
Education level: 3.02
Hierarchy/social standing: good
Hair color and type: hair color brown
Eye color: light brown
Skin tone: white
Scars or physical deformities: she has a scars on her legges
Mental illnesses: autism
Height: 5.3
Weight: idk
Body type: skinny
Favorite color: black
Favorite food: any
Likes: anything else
Dislikes: bullies
Religious Preference:
Strengths: any
Weaknesses: none
Family: no dad but mom
Pets: cat
Role model:Billie Eilish
Fears: none
Goals: to finish her schools
Sexuality: Bi
Allies: none
Enemies: bullies
Hobbies and interests: she loves to read, draw and paint
Bio: She grew up with no siblings
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