Alepoú “Silas” Sýmvasi

Name: Alepoú “Silas” Sýmvasi

Alias: The Demon of Bad Contracts

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Species: Demon (Wrath Variant)

Age: 8,765


You can’t trust a demon, baby.”

Silas is a cunning demon, but he hides this well behind a lazy, relaxed and friendly facade. He is the type of demon who considers his species to be his moral compass, and follows this even to break the demons’ own rules. He works toward his goals with himself above all else, and everything he does is to push himself forward.

Despite this, he also doesn’t always work towards some ambitious goal, and can simply be a really relaxed demon. He can always be found in a club, as he likes the chaotic atmosphere, which relaxes him as a demon of Wrath accustomed to chaos.

Also, as he is a demon of Wrath, he can be extremely dangerous when angered. His fury empowers him and at the same time takes his control, transforming him into an uncontrollable force. Controlling himself is difficult when it comes to anger, and he usually doesn’t even try to when it arises.

Keywords: cunning, lazy, relaxed, fake, demonic, self-centered, ambitious and quick to anger.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation: N/A

Weapon/Paraphernalia: N/A


• Demon Physiology

^ Demonic Form

^ Human Disguise

^ Natural Weaponry

^^ Claw Retraction

^^ Horn Protrusion

• Supernatural Condition (Type II)

^ Supernatural Strength (Type IV; all Applications and Techniques)

^ Supernatural Combat Mastery (All Applications and Techniques)

• Contract Bestowal 

• Possession

• Nightmare Manipulation 

• Pain Inducement

• Unhealing

• Fire Manipulation

Grand: N/A

Tekc(s): N/A

Tag Combo(s): N/A


Demon Physiology

^ As a demon, he possesses Holy Aversion.

^ Demonic Power Absorption/Demon Slayer

^ Demonologists can detect his weaknesses.

^ May be subject to a higher being, such as an Alpha Demon, Transcendent Demon, Fallen Transcendent Angel or Anti-God.

Supernatural Condition

^ Outmatched by those with an Absolute Condition.

Contract Bestowal

^ The contract can be overruled by a higher power, such as a deity.


^ May be cast out of the host through Exorcism.

^ Users of Indomitable Will are either resistant or immune.

^ Cannot possess those with Possession Immunity or Control Immunity.

^ Overtaken hosts may be able to fight back for their body.

^ May be banished/purified through Purification.

^ His presence may cause damage to the host (sheer power, physiology rejection, etc.).

^ Users of Telepathy may be resistant or immune.

Nightmare Manipulation

^ Oneiric Immunity

^ If the target does not have anything to be afraid of, then the user cannot control their nightmares.

^ He can only affect sleeping subjects.

^^ Due to this, he has a limited amount of time while their target is asleep.

^ Users of Psychic Shield (highly resistant), Psychic Immunity (impervious) and Indomitable Will.

^ He can only create Wrath-related nightmares.

^ As it is their dreams, targets may also be able to manipulate the dreams against him via lucid dreaming.

Pain Inducement

^ Pain Absorption

^ May not work on users who possess Pain Suppression.

^ Likely useless against Pain Immunity.

^ Opponents with Pain Empowerment will draw power from the pain.

^ Users of Endorphin Activation and Masochism Embodiment can turn pain into joy/pleasure.


^ There must be wounds or diseases that have been healed or cured in order to use this power.

^ Users of Flawless Healing/Meta Regeneration are immune.

^ May Heal/Regenerate the Undead.

Fire Manipulation

^ The Fire Triangle (Oxygen, Fuel, Heat) applies.

^ Can be overpowered by water, ice, and/or cold.

Backstory: N/A

Extra Info:

• He is 5’11 in human form and in hybrid form, while in Demonic Form he is 8’7.

• He prefers to fight with his hands rather than with powers, which is why he doesn’t know how to use Fire Manipulation well.

• He usually stays in a “hybrid form” between Demonic and Human Form, as in human form he is powerless and in Demonic form he kills most humans that behold him.

• His contracts provide him with the power to get what is asked of him, but he tends to edit contracts to always win without having to give anything real in return.

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@peepso_user_718(Ky )
Another person that my OC Zachariah would probably know also ignore me I'm just looking through OC's to see if any of them would probably be friends with my OC or at least know him