Ryo Nuela
Name: Ryo Nuela
- Freaky Feline Fuck (Their Father; Under his breath)
- Damned Monster (Father)
- My sweet creation/Son (His Mother)
- Kid (Hound)
Alignment: N/A
Species: Beast-Folk/??? Hybrid
Age: N/A (Looks to be in Late Teens/Early 20’s)
- Talkative/Chatty
- Kind
- Sickeningly Sweet
- Possible Sadistic
- Tad bit Hollow inside
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: He/They
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
- Hunting and Tracking Mastery
- Intimidation
- Manipulation Mastery
- Pain Resistance
- Bloodlust Aura
- Semi-Dominant Genetics
Beast-Folk/??? Physiology:
- Regenerative Healing Factor (Supernatural I, Nigh II)
- Enhanced Survivability
- Fatigue/Contaminant Immunity
- Decelerated Aging/Possible Longevity
- Retractable Claws
- Enhanced Senses
- Supernatural Strength/Durability/Stamina (I and I)
- Enhanced Speed/Reflexes/Agility (I)
- Telepathic Resistance
- Animal Empathy
- Predator instincts
- Healing Defense
Healing Erasure
Healing Factor Nullification
Healing Impairment
Damage inflicted by Irreversible Destruction
Survivability Reduction
His extremely tight connection to his Older brother
His reliance on his body
Backstory: N/A
Extra Info:
He stands at 5’6
He wholeheartedly believes he is his mother’s and father’s child, having been manipulated into believing his red hair was just some kind of Gene that passed his mother
His tail is longer than usual due to it having been surgically attached to him
Opposite to his brother, he loves to have a nice chat every now and then

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