Here’s some info for if you ever want to make an OC that has PKD or *+~Polycystic Kidney Disease~+*
Ok so first off might as well get what their kidneys’ll look like right off the bat but don’t worry I’m just do a cartoon-y picture
Now on to the rest of the info. Ok so there’s a high chance that because of this said OC will have too much protein in urine but never fear cause there is medicine for this I just can’t remember the name of it even though I have to take it everyday. PKD is a genetic trait so most of the time you’ll have inherited it from at least one of your parents but in some cases the gene may remain dormant for a while like with me I got it from my daddy and figured out I had when I was 10 years old but my daddy didn’t actually have it until recently cause the gene was dormant in him. But anyways this also means your OC will have to see a nephrologist either once a year or bi-yearly. Once a year they’ll have to have blood drawn but almost every appointment they’ll need to have an ultrasound done to check on said OC’s kidneys. Last but not least if said OC ever has to have a kidney transplant done they’ll technically get 3 kidneys because it’s too hard to take any of the kidneys out so they only put one in

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