
THIS TEMPLATE WAS TAKEN FROM https://www.deviantart.com/aniartluke82/art/OC-Template-Marvel-735637706

Superhero Name
Feline (This was mainly given to her by the public. Really, she has none)

Real Name:
N/A (All she says is to call her Nomi)

Current Alias:

Angry Kitty Cat

: N/A


Base of Operations:
Nathan’s house
Her old Treehouse
Raf’s Basement

Status: Alive

Identity: N/A

Citizenship: N/A

Martial Status: N/A

Occupation: N/A

Education: N/A


Gender: Female

Height: 5’3

Weight: 130 LBS

Eyes: Onyx

Hair: Brown
Origin: N/A

Universe: Earth-112006

Place of Birth: N/A

History: N/A

She is known to be a rough person, not accepting things given to her as it makes her feel babied. And after having half of her childhood taken from her, she likes being in control over anything involving herself. Despite this Raf says she is an extremely smart, kind and pretty chill girl.. And it’s shown when alone with Raf she is calmer than usual and does tend to laugh at his jokes and dumb comments

Rafael Louis (Extremely close/Possible Love interest)
Nathan (Close friend)
Mari (N/A)


Powers and Equipment

Regenerative Healing Factor
: Nomi primary power is an accelerated healing process that enables her to regenerate most (if not all) damaged or destroyed areas of her anatomy with far greater efficiency than an ordinary human. The rate of regeneration is proportional to the damage caused. This process is automatic and she seems to have no control over it. The healing factor, however, does not seem to stop Nomi from feeling the pain of her wounds nor the pain of her body regenerating itself. Her natural healing also affords her the virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs. She can be affected by some drugs, such as tranquilizers, if she is exposed to a massive dose. AND due to her highly efficient immune system, Nomi is immune to all Earthly diseases and infections.

Longevity: Presumably, because of her healing factor. It is assumed it will also provide her with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process.

Superhumanly Acute Senses: She possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. She is capable of seeing at much greater distances — and with perfect clarity — than an ordinary human. She retains this same level of clarity in near-total darkness. Her sense of hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing her to both hear sounds that ordinary humans can’t and to hear sounds that ordinary humans can, but at much greater distances. She’s even able to sense fear and other emotions through her sense of smell alone.

Superhuman Agility: Nomi’s agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.[citation needed]

Superhuman Reflexes: She reflexes are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. In multiple cases, she managed to dodge point blank bullets shots on 5 different occasions.

Superhuman Durability: She was capable of fighting the Rhino without sustaining any severe injuries and surviving energy blasts from Sound-Silencer (even if she required healing and nearly died).

Superhuman Stamina: Nomi’s muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human. This is shown during a training session before she and an ally escaped. Their fight lasted a recorded 2 days and even after that she still attempted combat

Expert Covert Ops Training: Raised in captivity, due to her extensive training as a top-secret operative, Nomi has been trained to become a living weapon. She is highly trained in the use of long-range weapons and explosives and is an expert in assassination techniques.

Expert Tracker: Due to her enhanced sense of smell, Nomi is a dangerous tracker and has memorized many different scents. She’s even able to pick up on the scent even the stealthiest of beings.

Master Martial Artist: She is a master in hand-to-hand combatant, with intensive training in numerous armed and unarmed martial arts techniques during her time in the facility.

Master Acrobat: She is an Olympic class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, and aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats.

Multilingual: She can speak fluent English, French, and Japanese. She says she is fluent in many other languages.

Gifted Intellect: She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations, being able to produce precise odds in different situations.




While she does seem to be very introverted and cold, she does genuinely care for her friends. She has even left a gift for Nathan for his 16th birthday.. even though it was unsigned.

She’s always wanted to live in the forest, in a cabin with a treehouse. These thoughts are a product of what little childhood she has left within her.


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