Name: King Rosings
Alias: Bloody, Big Man (Scales), Nuisance (Virus), Blood sucking freak (his family)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Species: Inhuman
Age: 24
“Off em.”
Calculated, Precise, Semi-Psychopathic, Quick to judge and call out BS, Caring and loving for his allies
Reason for being a Misfit: His powers were treated as something disgusting.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: His/He
Occupation: Thief/Big-time Bank Robber
Cigarette & Lighter (Both were gifts from Virus)
Combat Mastery (Boxing & Lethwei)
Leadership Mastery
Intimidation Mastery
Sleight of Hand Mastery
Security Mastery
Surveillance Mastery
Blood Oxygen Manipulation (His self)
Cardiology Manipulation
Supernatural Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Speed (II)
Supernatural Strength (II)
Foreign Chemical Immunity
Serenity Inducement/Pheromones
Bleeding Inducement
Blood Attacks/Constructs/Solidification
Blood Consumption
Blood Generation
Blood Memory
Hematology Mastery
Healing Blood
Density Manipulation
Dermal Armor
Paralysis Inducement
Prehensile Blood
His body has what he calls a B-limit, which is a limit to which overuse of his abilities will cause strain. Each is different depending on what he is focusing on
Absolute Condition
Those with high will power can fight his Pheromones and the paralysis
Backstory: N/A
Extra Info:
His Serenity Inducement works by slowing down his blood, and that acts as semi-knock out gas. It makes people calm/dizzy and or woozy
He is in an on and off relationship with Virus as they tend to argue frequently
He met Scales in an underground fighting ring
He stands at 6’0

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