
Name: Kelk’vhed

Alias: Kelk The All-Taking, The Epicenter, Child of Gol, freaky dude in my body (By Darrick)

Alignment: Neutral—> Chaotic Good


(True Form)

Fandom Image

(Form on Earth)

Fandom Image

(Form when fully merged with Derrick)

Fandom Image

Species: Eldritch God Of Death

Age: As old as the very universe, possibly older



Curious, All-Knowing, Quite, Sarcastic, quick to correct

Gender: Male (But he says he is “beyond Gender“)

Sexuality: … (🤷🏽)

Pronouns: He/It/They/Them/Him (He doesn’t mind)

Occupation: N/A

Weapon/Paraphernalia: N/A

Powers/Abilities: N/A

Weaknesses: N/A

Backstory: N/A

Extra Info:

His true form is height less. His form can go on for as long as he pleases

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