Character Sheet #41: Hyku
Name: Hyku
Alias: N/A
Alignment: True Neutral/Neutral Good
Species: N/A (Assumed to be Human)
Age: 26(?)
Personality: A quiet being who’s existence is only tied to the former God of Life, Hyku is an enigma with a relaxed demeanor and an unreadable facial expression. His ability to stay calm and quiet throughout a multitude of troubling lives and potentially gruesome deaths has made him a challenge for all Villains alike. However, he seems to be more altruistic in nature and possess vast knowledge of his own reincarnation of which he is more than willing to teach. After all, it’s best to keep this oddly potential anomaly on the side of good.
Gender: Transgender (AFAB) Genderfluid
Sexuality: Androromantic Aceflux-Acespike
Pronouns: Any, but mainly uses He/They
Occupation: N/A
Weapon/Paraphernalia: N/A
- Supernatural Condition (Type II; possibly higher)
- Supernatural Endurance
- Supernatural Survivability
- Retroactive Immortality
- Peace Magic
- Personal Life-Force
- Grand Flame Manipulation
Ultra Cadmean Mode: This version of Cadmean Mode is incredibly stronger due to Hyku’s training. He starts this Grand by charging up his Life-Force before transforming into his Ultra Cadmean Mode Form that enhances both his Strength and Speed while also temporarily giving him an Unfettered Body. His Life-Force is also enhanced to become Divine Life-Force. This’ll last for 47 minutes.
Tekc(s): N/A
Tag Combo(s): N/A
- He suffers from PTSD, slight SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder), Hemophobia (Fear of Blood), Haphephobia (Fear of Being Touched) and Vehophobia (Fear of Driving). All of these can greatly hinder him
- While he’s not the easiest to anger, he can become so enraged that it clouds some of his judgment. This can make himself a danger to his allies
- His Altruism and need to put others over himself can not only be easily exploited, but can also cause more harm and/or danger than necessary
- Stronger Opponents can match/overpower him
- Those with Supernatural Condition 3 can match/defeat him easily
- Despite his Supernatural Endurance, he can only go through so much pain, damage and stress before finally succumbing to it
- His Supernatural Survivability doesn’t allow him to heal damage, simply survive it
- His Supernatural Survivability doesn’t make him Immortal or Unkillable, just very hard to kill
- Despite his Supernatural Survivability, he isn’t immune to Pain
- Despite his Supernatural Survivability, he cannot survive everything
- His Retroactive Immortality takes up to 3 hours for it to complete. Meaning that he’ll be unconscious/‘dead’ until his Retroactive Immortality is complete
- Immortal Slayers can still kill him permanently despite his Retroactive Immortality
- Those with Immortality Negation can negate/disable his Retroactive Immortality
- War Magic can counter his Peace Magic
- Those with Magic Resistance or Magic Immunity are immune/resistant to his Peace Magic
- Anti-Magic is the perfect counter to his Peace Magic
- His Personal Life-Force only allows him to control his own Life-Force. He can’t control others’ Life-Forces
- Life-Force is the source of Life; using all of his Personal Life-Force without generating more will kill him
- His Grand Flame Manipulation is currently extremely limited as he can only use it whenever he’s emotionally unstable and distressed
- Due to his Grand Flame Manipulation allowing him to easily burn and incinerate everything it touches, he needs to be careful when using it. This puts him at risk of accidentally harming himself and/or others around him
- Currently, he cannot heal, resurrect and/or otherwise benefit others with his Grand Flame Manipulation
- Like any other Grands, he’ll become extremely exhausted or at the risk of going temporarily Unconscious after using his Ultra Cadmean Mode
- He can only use his Ultra Cadmean Mode once a/per day; once he uses it that day, he cannot use it again until the next day
- Since his Ultra Cadmean Mode only lasts for 47 minutes, he’ll exit out of his Grand once the 47 minutes are up/passed
Backstory: N/A
Extra Info:
- He’s 5’2 in height.
- He’s fluent in English, French, Japanese and ASL.
- He’s married to both Lucas and Quince.
- He has Selective Mutism (An anxiety disorder characterized by an inability to speak or communicate in certain social settings) and doesn’t talk in public unless he’s around people he knows and trusts.
- He adopted Mursi, who he considers as his daughter:
- Despite being physically younger than most of his enemies, he’s managed to defeat and overpower a lot of people. It’s said that he might have so much knowledge and hidden Power deriving from Cadmean that allows him to achieve these seemingly impossible challenges.
- He has access to all of Cadmean’s Spells and has slowly been able to master them.
- “Life being weird is a normal thing for me. I just go with the flow and hope for the best.”
- VC: Lizzie Freeman
- Theme: Trying Too Hard (Cover)

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