Wilfred Hammond (info from TH)
A man that bears the face of a cold ticking clock. A object that has been a culpirit of many missing cases until it ceased when the whole town fell apart in the past timeline. It has introduced him the power to reset and jump to different timelines but it didn’t give him the knowledge to do so he’s on the path of discovery.
Cold and critical. One quick glare and he already has a complaint to say. He also has a short temper, so he tends to lash out whether it would be a rock or a person. Cmandy rarely opens up with people but when he does, it’s disguised as something else such as a story with no name. He’s not really a man of creativity and imaginations but boy he loves escaping near-death scenarios! Or any sort of trouble he might get himself into.
Despite his uncaring attitude, he can get overly sentimental and emotionally attached to a select few.
Clock Mandy / Will
November 28, 2023
(updated November 28, 2023)
Published by a_0