Can I be a ranger? like one of the ones from rangers apprentice if any of y'all have read that book. here is a description- A ranger is an expert at silent moving. They report directly to the king, and are experts at hiding. Rangers wear mottled cloaks that hide their presence, and practice with a bow and arrow till they never miss. Rangers have special horses that understand how to move silently. There is a code word to get on these horses and if you don't whisper it they will throw you off. The horses are very intelligent and give warning signs when an enemy is nearby. Rangers can stay still for days if need be, and are camouflage legends. A ranger is basically a spy for the king. Each ranger also controls a fief.
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Basic Information
Civilian Name- Tray Axon
Hero/Villain Codename- Null
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Bi-Sexual
Marriage Status- Dating
Home Town- New York City
Species- Meta/Magical Human hybrid
Personality Information
Likes- Jinx, Gizmo, The HIVE, Video Games, Soccer, Spells, His Magic
Dislikes- Getting injured, Seeing his comrades Injured, His spells failing, Teen Titans
Is Famous For- His Powers
Costume/Clothes Worn-
Family Information
Mother- A Magical Human named Nuna
Father- A Meta with Anti-Energy Manipulation named Gal
Allies Information
Any Well Known DC Characters As Allies- The HIVE
Any Other Allies (Includes Other OCs)- Alex, Terra, Rosa, Clyde
Enemies Information
Any Well Known Marvel/DC Characters As Enemies- Titans and Justice League
Any Other Enemies (Includes Other OCs)- None
Equipment Information
Non Offensive Equipment Carried- Necklace with a Black Gem (From Jinx), 3 Bracelets
Offensive Equipment Carried- Wrist Watch(From Gizmo)
Unique Equipment Carried- An old spell book
Transportation Information
What Does You OC Use To Get Around ?- Motorcycle
Is It Unique In Any Way To Your OC ?- Yes as 3 generations created and upgraded it
Was It Stolen ?- No
Other Character Information
Which Universe Is Your Character In ?- DC
Alignment (Hero,Villain,Neutral)- Villain
Anti-Energy Attacks
Anti-Energy Combat
Anti-Energy Defense
Personal Anti-Energy
Anti-Energy Solidification
Anti-Energy Generation
Anti-Energy Constructs
Anti-Energy Manipulation
Destruction Magic
Destructive Energy Manipulation
Personal Anti-Magic
Magical Energy Absorption
Anti-Magic Attacks
Anti-Mystic Arts
Absorption Field Projection
Erase all Heroes and live with Jinx
Does Your OC Star In His/Her Own Fanfiction Series ?- No
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