Kenneth “Kenny” Crosschild (he/him)

An cartoon of an indigenous man with messy black hair, square-framed glasses, and multiple ear piercings. He is looking at the viewer with a slight surprised expression

Age: 23

Gender: Cis Male

Height: 5’3

Body: Thin, lean, LR lobe and upper lobe piercings, L helix piercing, R orbital piercing, R industrial piercing

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Forest green

Birthday: May 18

Ethnicity: Indigenous Canadian, Blackfoot

Orientation: Bisexual

Hometown: Okotoks, Alberta

Occupation: Freelance Programmer

Likes: Gaming, dogs, science fiction

Other: Owns 3 dogs (German shepherd, bloodhound, mutt), prefers DC over Marvel, has astigmatism

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