infinity jerry, the hero of infinity
name:jerry ryanford
alias:infinity jerry
appearance:a kinda muscular adult with black hair and green eyes, he wears a red t-shirt and black pants. his hero costume is a red suit with a star shape on the chest, he has a red cape and red hood also a red bandanna
personality:kind and brave, jerry is a gentle person who cares for people and shows no fear when facing powerful enemies.
*energy absorption
*energy immunity (he can’t die when he absorbs energy
infinity stone energy:
*super strength (power stone)
*telekinesis (mind stone)
*portal creation (space stone)
*mind control (mind stone)
*mind read (mind stone)
*time manipulation (time stone)
*reality manipulation (reality stone)
*soul magic (soul stone)
*snap (can snap fingers and whatever he thinks of happens)
origin:he was a normal kid with a normal life, until he absorbed the energy of the infinity stones and he realized what he can do he set out to become a hero.
*save people (ongoing)
*create a hero team (succeeded)
*punched a hole in mount Everest
*destroyed an entire city block with telekinesis.
battle track (so far):
*infinity jerry vs giant monster (winner:infinity jerry)
*infinity jerry vs unnamed terrorist group (winner:infinity jerry)
*infinity jerry and mecha ninja vs acid monster (winner:mecha ninja and infinity jerry)
*infinity jerry vs thanos (winner:infinity jerry)
*using the snap weakens him to the point where he cannot fight so he uses it as a last resort
*his infinity stone powers are limited to the OCverse so in other universes the stones are very limited
*he is human so he has normal human weaknesses even with his powers
*he can’t control his reality stone power

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