Name: Kyle ‘Kenny’ Thomson
Alias: Helmet-Head, Guy with his head in Space
Spatial Log ID: K4-T25
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 25
“Sometimes, I honestly think your brain is like a blackhole. It sucks up whatever intelligence you might get..”
Sarcastic, Talkative, Joking, Caring, Cautious
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Pronouns: His/He
Occupation:Crew Member of The Shutterfly Starship
Crew Member Rank: Second Pilot / Combat Pilot
Bracelet Batons (In Pic): On his wrists are seemingly normal communicators but they double as weapons. With a simple motion batons will stick out from the bottom. These are made from extremely durable metal. And do be careful.. they are are extremely painful
Weight/Weight Class: 175 Pounds; Middleweight
Fighting Style: Jeet Kun Krav
Description: A strong and oddly well combined style of Martial arts made by Kyle. Flowing attacks mixed with strikes to lethal areas. His batons also help with this
Techniques: N/A
Dancing/Sarcasm/Insulting/Mechanics/Building Mastery
Dodging Mastery
Weapons Intuition
Peak-Human Abilities:
Peak Human Parkour
Peak Human Stamina
Peak Human Strength
Peak Human Speed
Peak Human Reflexes
Peak Human Recovery
Peak Human Regeneration
Peak Human Lung Capacity
Peak Human Durability
Peak Human Endurance
Peak Human Flexibility
Peak Human Health
Peak Human Immune System
Peak Human Body
Peak Human Agility
Peak Human Balance
Peak Human Dexterity
Still able to be effected by sickness, grave injury and of course death
Insulting others won’t always end up going in the path he wants it to
At times he holds a bit more faith in his body than others. Sometimes taking risks that could lead to his death.
His helmet holds extreme value to him, he never tells why but it does. In the time it is removed it will make him panic and try to scramble for it.
Extreme insecurity with his face
His family & Crew
Backstory: N/A
Extra Info:
He has tried break dancing in 0 gravity 3 times.
He has removed his helmet multiple times, no one was ever around to paying attention to see his actual face.
His bracelets/Batons were made by him.
In his part of the ship, there are multiple drawn pictures of him and his family.
He is 5’9
His favorite songs are
-Teenagers by MCR
N/A (Looking currently)
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