Undecided J. Wolf
Full Name: Undecided James Wolf
Alias: King Undecided, Coolaf Invarmi, Ηγέτης
Age: 25
Date of Birth: December 16, 2008
Birth Gender: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Birthplace: Keystone Island
Current Home: Keystone Island, Empire of Unity
Species: Alpha Werewolf
Weight: Average
Height: 5’6
Body Type: Slim
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short and straight-ish
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
IQ: Average
Strengths: Cooking, Adventuring, Potion-making
Weaknesses: Science (My lab gets blown up a lot…)
Talents: Cute to the point that everyone wishes to protect him
Bad Habits: Doesn’t stand up for himself
Pets: Cuckoo (Baby Cockatrice)
Other Traits: Wolf ears, Wolf tail, Fangs, Diamond alpha mark, claws
Creator Notes: I would be up for collaborating with someone using this character I also wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to use this OC for something just ask me first

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