The Panther Man
Name: Hugo Lambert
Alias: The Panther Man
Alignment: Lawful Good
Species: Mystic Human
Age: 24
Personality: Calm, Cold, Sometimes Introverted, Apathetic
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Pronouns: His/He
Occupation: Gorgon Hunter
Pantherine (His Familiar)
Basic Abilities:
Laido Mastery
Pain Suppression
Magical Energy Generation/Infusion
Supernartural Condition (II)
Familiar Powers:
Self-Body Manipulation (Shaping their body to make blades, tendrils, shields, ect)
Pantherine Physiology
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Roar
Dimensional Storage (In it’s own body)
Enhanced Regeneration
Powers Via Familiar:
Darkness Constructs
Sensory Scrying
Darkness Mimicry (Limited)
Umbraportation (By riding the dark material that makes up Pantherine’s body)
Night Vison
Magic Negation
Magic Immunity
Magic Destruction
Familiar Thievery
While physical attacks can do harm, any attacks powered by light will do a lot more damage.
While Pantherine can heal, too much damage will cause it to be de-summoned so it may heal and gain pack its strength
Banishment can remove Pantherine
Despite his cold demeanor he has been known to lose his cool, it takes a lot but it can happen
Backstory: N/A
Extra Info:
He treats Pantherine like an actual house hold cat, petting and letting them on his lap
His familiar was passed to him by his father, who had it passed to him by his father and so on
He was pretty much groomed and raised to be cold, as his father states emotions are a crutch

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