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Clock Mandy / Will

Reference sheet

Wilfred Hammond (info from TH)

A man that bears the face of a cold ticking clock. A object that has been a culpirit of many missing cases until it ceased when the whole town fell apart in the past timeline. It has introduced him the power to reset and jump to different timelines but it didn’t give him the knowledge to do so he’s on the path of discovery.


Cold and critical. One quick glare and he already has a complaint to say. He also has a short temper, so he tends to lash out whether it would be a rock or a person. Cmandy rarely opens up with people but when he does, it’s disguised as something else such as a story with no name. He’s not really a man of creativity and imaginations but boy he loves escaping near-death scenarios! Or any sort of trouble he might get himself into.

Despite his uncaring attitude, he can get overly sentimental and emotionally attached to a select few.



(owned by Koshie on TH)

Close Friend

His current closest friend with a obsession of dogs. Often times have floating flat boxes plastered across the body, it’s indestructible but disappears in one click if you aim it right. Is somewhat mute? He could only speak through popups and not through audio.

Nubella Middleton Close Friend

Former friend. Has a love for engineering and knick-knacks. Mostly the one aiding Cmandy after the many accidents he can possibly undergo.

Past Acquiantance

hate this guy, keeps on messing him around


Normal Timeline

The usual happens. He wakes up in a coffin surrounded by letters for someone he doesn’t know, get found by a talking cat and be led to a town to stay in for the night—one which will start a hunt for mysteries with a lot of missing cases yet no walking murderers. The one responsible for taking away people is a giant clock tower in the heart of the town looking down on them so he has to shut it down.

The Start of Every Timeloop

The usual happens, except the clock is no longer moving as if time has stood still. The story still plays out as normal, he gets found and gets taken in. However, one quick glance at the mirror and the difference is clear—his head is replaced by the same clock he sought to rid of. The hands is all over the place—couldn’t tell which is the hour hand and which is the minute hand, the position are impossible to replicate on a normal clock unless you manually moved it. (Which could be a bad idea…)

Perhaps, this isn’t the usual anymore. Having to walk on his waking days with a head he so loathed. Nubella often needing to pick him up from time to time because he’d often get caught up in his head, he couldn’t even tell if his strolls led him further away from home.

But soon he won’t be there to come pick him up. It’s the time he’d run through a dense forest to check on him after several unanswered calls. To see the closest friend he’s ever been with get shattered into a million pieces, it too felt shattering inside. A trigger for another reset.

The Many Other Resets

Time and time again, for every death and every tear, for every reason for a reset, this wish is granted. Despite this power and all the choices he can undo, he still couldn’t save his friend from his fateful demise. Time is his dominion but fate is not. However, he’s still stubborn as he could ever be.

But much like a tree with a hard trunk or a large boulder, everything withers and so is his belief of never moving on. He’d reach the day of accepting the death of not his own and it would’ve still hurt as of the first time and much more than the gunshot he took from a friend. He’d spend his days sulking in his manor, pondering all of his decisions.

“Maybe I should go outside?” He asked himself, the silence nodding to his request. Outside is empty, the town already gone from all the resets. The only chatters are the howling of the wind and the crunch of the deep-layered snow.

Except this time, he’ll hear the first hello. Or atleast a sign someone is there, a computer popup greeting him with a advertisement only to see more plastered across the skies. It’s a immediate sign that something is wrong with The Needle. What he assumes to be people messing around the tall rod, all he could find is a confused man with a head of a really beaten up computer head.

(This is a really old story, newer ones are posted in Ao3)

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