Can I be a ranger? like one of the ones from rangers apprentice if any of y'all have read that book. here is a description- A ranger is an expert at silent moving. They report directly to the king, and are experts at hiding. Rangers wear mottled cloaks that hide their presence, and practice with a bow and arrow till they never miss. Rangers have special horses that understand how to move silently. There is a code word to get on these horses and if you don't whisper it they will throw you off. The horses are very intelligent and give warning signs when an enemy is nearby. Rangers can stay still for days if need be, and are camouflage legends. A ranger is basically a spy for the king. Each ranger also controls a fief.
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Personality: Quiet, slightly pessimistic and occasionally deadpan, Igar often prefers to work alone and is usually a bit too blunt for his own good. However, he’s intelligent enough to keep his mouth shut when necessary and is one to think through a situation before fighting his way through it. But what he embodies can unfortunately get in the way of his attempts to express himself properly, which often causes more harm than anything else on his part.
Gender: Transgender Male
Sexuality: Omniromantic Demisexual
Pronouns: He/They
Occupation: Addiction Trafficker/Brawlartist Affiliation(s): BELPHEGOR and ADDICT DTS Tier: A
Weapon/Paraphernalia: >Tantō Knife:
Brawlart Style:Kattākata Description: After some personal training in Wrath, Igar was able to fully learn the Brawlart of Kattākata; A unique Brawlart that takes the basic idea of Gun Kata and switches out Guns with Bladed Weapons. With this, he’s able to use the agile movements associated with Gun Kata to cut and/or pierce through his Opponents much easier. Techniques: N/A
Personal Vice: Apathy Description: Igar is the Devil of Apathy; the Malicious Concept involving the lack of interest, enthusiasm, concern and/or emotions entirely. Thanks to this, he’s able to “turn off” his own emotions and even induce Apathy into others, influencing how much emotion(s) they can feel/express in the process.
Devilry: Agonvilry Description: Igar has been training/learning about Agonvilry; a Devilry type which focuses on Pain. As such, he can use his own Infernal Energy to enact various Vicixes that’re all based on that concept. Vicix(es):
Painshock: Focus upon all of the Pain you’ve felt. Harness it alongside your Infernal Energy and let it build up inside you until it explodes into a powerful shockwave of Infernal Energy capable of knocking out a Devil completely unconscious.
Suffershout: Take the Pain of your closet Ally and let your Infernal Energy absorb it completely. Then, wait until you finally start to feel that Pain yourself before releasing it out of your body and into a Agony-inducing Scream that also emits a wave of painful Infernal Energy all around you.
Skills/Skill-Based Traits:
Tantō Proficiency: Igar is proficient in using his Tantō; a short Bladed Weapon worn by the Samurai of feudal Japan used in the Hein Period (794-1185 B.C.). These were designed to primarily be stabbing weapons, but the razor fine edge could also slash/cut as well.
Pharmacognosy Mastery: Due to working with both BELPHEGOR and ADDICT, Igar is knowledgeable about Pharmacognosy; the study of Medicines and/or crude Drugs. This allows him to know what Drugs to administer to treat a person, how to make it and how potent the effects can be.
Wrestling Mastery: Finally, while Kattākata is his main Brawlart, Igar is still knowledgeable enough about Wrestling to use it in Combat. This allows his to either switch up how he fights and/or combine both Brawlarts together in order to finish his Opponent(s) at a much faster rate.
Physical Traits/Natural Abilities:
Superhuman Strength: Thanks to a ton of physical training alongside a few Enhancement Drugs, Igar posssess immense physical strength. This allows him to punch with the force of a train.
Immense Agility: Alongside his Strength, Igar is also incredibly agile and can easily dodge visible Attacks fast.
Decelerated Physical Aging: Like all Devils, Igar physically ages must slower than Humans. This is why he has a “Human”/Physical Age and a “True”/Devil Age.
Immense Physical Beauty: Similar to other Lilimi and Lilini, Igar possesses immense physical beauty that can attract other Devils toward him.
Regeneration: Alongside his slower aging, Igar also share the natural Devil Ability of being able to Regenerate at an easily faster rate than usual.
Tantric Smoke Control: Finally, Igar is able to convert the Carnal Energy he’s absorbed from other Devils into Tantric Smoke, allowing him to control how much Lustfulness it causes on a Target and what color it has.
Stronger Opponents can match/overpower him easily
As a Lilim, he needs to feed off of/absorb Carnal Energy from other Devils every 4 hours or risk becoming weaker
Due to being a Devil, Weapons based on Purity and/or Goodness Concepts such as PuriDeath Weapons will severely injure, immobilize and/or kill himat an extremelyfast rate to where not even his Regeneration can save him
As a Devil, he cannot practice Goodness or attempt to Purify himself. Should he do either one, his Agonvilry will slowly weaken until it’s vanished and his body will begin to internally burn until he’s completely Incinerated, killing him slowly and permanently as well
Disarming him of his Tantō will limit his chances in Combat and will force him to both get up close to his Opponent(s) and improvise
His Superhuman Strength doesn’t make him Invincible or Invulnerable; he can still be match or overpowered by those stronger than him
Despite his Superhuman Strength, him simply relying on Brute Force is never a decent strategy
Despite his Superhuman Strength, he can be countered by a stronger force, thus leaving him vulnerable
His Immense Agility doesn’t make him incredibly fast in terms of complete movement, just allows hom to dodge fast
Despite his Immense Agility, he cannot dodge everything
Invisible or hard-to-see Attacks are nearly impossible for him to dodge despite his Immense Agility
With his Immense Physical Beauty, being unnoticed is not an option without him wearing an extremely obscuring disguise or covering
Devils who feel/have no Romantic/Physical Attraction towards him may be able to resist his Immense Physical Beauty
His Regeneration can be overwhelmed by excessively rapid and fast attacks
Completely destruction of his entire body while he’s unable to use his Regeneration will immediately kill him without the chance to regenerate
Despite his Regeneration allowing him to Regenerate his entire Arm, he cannot Regenerate from Internal Wounds/Injuries/Damage, nor can he Regenerate any of his Organs or his entire head
Devils with strong enough “Willpower” and/or Devils who possess Apavilry are likely resistant to his Apathy Vice
While his Apathy Vice allows him to “turn off” his own emotions, he can’t automatically turn them back one; he has to wait at least 5 hours before he’s able to “turn back on” his emotions
Like all Devilry types, his Agonvilry requires him to keep using and/or training it until he’s completely mastered it or risk it going back to square one
His Agonvilry currently allows him to either take one of his Ally’s Pain or use his own Pain; he can’t control other’s Pain with/using it yet
He can only use one Vicix at a time
Devils with strong enough “Willpower”, Devils who possess Apavilry and/or Devils who who feel/have no Romantic/Physical Attraction towards him may be able to resist the effects of his Tantric Smoke
In order to generate his Tantric Smoke, he has to absorb Carnal Energy first
His Tantric Smoke can only affect up to 3 Targets at a time
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