Character Sheet #45: Albis Cainir

Name: Albis Cainir

Alias: Morningstar

Alignment: True Neutral/Neutral Evil



Age: 20(?)

Personality: Aloof, enigmatic and quiet, Albis is a man of very few words who’d rather explain something through actions. Although he can appear rather intimidating and creepy in appearance, he’s actually not that threatening in terms of his personality and is usually relaxed. And even in battle, his laidback nature can almost make him apathetic towards his Opponents; an intentional attempt of silent intimidation.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual(?)

Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation: Mercenary(?)

>Monster Cloak (Shown in Appearance): This unique Cloak serves as Albis’ secondary eyes and mouth due to it being able to manifest any body part(s) he desires. It’s also capable of creating Blades from the sleeves.

  Body Part Manipulation (via Monster Cloak; includes all Variations): Thanks to finding the Monstrous Cloak with the help of Hemomonger, Albis has control of all types of Body Parts that he can use in various ways.

  • Appendage Generation: Albis can generate/manifest any kind of Body Part from his Monstrous Cloak.
  • Body Part Attacks: Albis is able to use any Body Parts his Monstrous Cloak creates to attack his Opponents.
  • Self-Regeneration Manipulation (via Body Part Manipulation): Finally, through the use of his Monstrous Cloak, Albis is able to manipulate his own Regenerative Healing Factor. This means he can speed up Regeneration, make said Regeneration stronger (up to Supernatural Regeneration Level III) and more.

  Blade Manipulation (via Monster Cloak): Alongside being able to manipulate Body Parts with his Monstrous Cloak, Albis can also manipulate Blades and use them in and out of Combat.

  • Blade Generation: Albis is able to generate any type of Blade from both sleeves of his Monstrous Cloak.
    • Blade Elongation/Retraction: Additionally, Albis can also extend and/or retract any and all Blades he created with his Monstrous Cloak.
  • Blade Attacks: Lastly, Albis is able to use any Blades his Monstrous Cloak creates to attack his Opponents.

  Omni-Blood Manipulation: After birthing Hemomonger, Albis gained the ability to manipulate the Blood of every living being on Earth. This allows him to control others via their Blood and other unique features.

  • Absolute Blood Marionette: Albis can completely manipulate others’ Blood to an absolute level. Even those with Blood Resistance are affected by this Ability.
    • Ultimate Bleeding: Albis can induce unhealable Bleeding onto everyone he wants with a single touch.
    • Blood Stopping: With a single gesture, Albis can stop the Blood Flow of anyone.
  • Prehensile Blood: Alongside manipulating others’ Blood, Albis can also manipulate his own Blood so long as it’s externally out of his body. This means he can control any Blood that he’s currently bleeding out and use it to create objects, grab things and even attack his Opponents with it.
    • Blood Propulsion: Albis can use his own Blood to propel himself through the air.
    • Blood Attacks: Albis can also use his own Blood to attack his Opponents.
  • Blood Magic: Finally, Albis has access to Blood Magic that allows him to perform Spells related to Blood itself.
    • Blood Teleportation: Albis can use both his own Blood and Blood Magic to Teleport himself to another location.
    • Blood Portal Creation: Albis can also create Blood Portals using his own Blood alongside the use of Blood Magic.
    • Hematomancy: Lastly, Albis can use a method of reading the Future, the Present and the Past and/or provide help to a problem at hand by using Blood as a focus.

  Bloodlust Empowerment: Finally, thanks to the Birthing of Hemomonger, Albis is empowered by the Bloodlust of both himself and others.

  • Bloodlust Aura: Albis can also create a visual Bloodlust Aura around his body.

Disguise/‘Depowered’ Form:


True/‘Powered’ Form:


  Hemomonger is Albis’ Manimon who embodies his Bloodlust. As such, he has access to every single Blood Ability in existence, allowing him to manipulate the blood of everyone and everything regardless of resistance/immunity (Blood Resistance or Bloodlessness), Species or any other factors.

  • Additionally, it’s theorized by many Occultist that Hemomonger is ranked the 4th strongest Manimon in existence, only being topped by the Manimons of Fear, Pain and [REDACTED] respectively.


  • Bleeder’s Red Void: After creating a Ball of Blood, Albis then focuses on his Bloodlust and tosses the Blood Ball onto the ground. Once it lands, the Blood Ball will force anyone within its 17-foot vicinity to start bleeding heavily—and both internally and externally—before absorbing all of their Blood and putting it into Albis’ body.
  • Crimson Destruction: Albis first cuts both of his wrists open and ‘pushes’ both his arms and his palms outwards, soon sending out a powerful Blood Beam at his Opponent that also forces immense Bloodlust into said Opponent once it hits them.
  • Song of Bloodlust — A Crimson Reminder (Hemomonger only): Finally, Hemomonger possesses his own Temptation Song/Ballad that focuses upon the Sin of Blood. Once the Song starts, Hemopotent Replications of his Target’s Victims come to life before forcing their own Bloodlust into the Target, creating a self-killing Sin that causes one’s Bloodlust to drain the Target’s Blood internally until they’re completely dead and deflated.


  1. Albis was born Blind and Deaf and cannot hear or see at all whatsoever. This means he must use his other senses like Touch to understand what others are saying and what’s around him. Anything that actually requires Hearing and/or Seeing is impossible for him to do
  2. Despite all of his Powers, he’s still Human and is still prone to injury, exhaustion, pain, sickness and death just like any other Human
  3. Albis requires Hemomonger’s existence to have his Blood and Bloodlust Abilities. Should he ever kill Hemomonger or attempt to Rehabilitate himself from his Bloodlust, then he will no longer have either of his Abilities
  4. Furthermore, should Albis ever attempt to Rehabilitate himself of his Bloodlust, then Hemomonger can and will kill him
  5. Should the Monstrous Cloak be stolen, torn and/or destroyed, he’ll either temporarily or permanently lose both his Body Part and Blade-based Abilities
  6. He can only manipulate the Body Parts his Monstrous Cloak creates
  7. Despite his Self-Regeneration Manipulation, his Regeneration can still be outsped to where he can be permanently injured and/or killed
  8. Complete Destruction of his Body can kill him even with his Self-Regeneration Manipulation
  9. Radiation can affect him on a cellular level and cripple his Regeneration from within to the point of it being unable to function anymore
  10. His Blade-based Abilities are ineffective against those with Cutting and/or Piercing Immunity
  11. Manipulating too much of his own Blood with his Prehensile Blood can cause him to pass out from Blood Loss
  12. Those with Magic Resistance or Magic Immunity are immune/resistant to his Blood Magic
  13. Anti-Magic is the perfect counter to his Blood Magic


  1. Although he is immune to Physical, Mental, Emotional and/or even Spiritual Damage as a Manimon, he can still be killed by Albis should Albis ever kill him with a Weapon infused with Sympathetic Energy at his Birthplace and on the night of a Blood Moon
  2. Despite being the 4th strongest Manimon around, other Manimons could match/overpower him


  1. Stronger Opponents can match/overpower both of them

Backstory: N/A (For now)

Extra Info:

  • Albis is 5’7 in height, while Hemomonger’s height can vary from being 1’5 in height within his Disguise/‘Depowered’ Form to becoming 11’3 in height within his True/‘Powered’ Form.

Albis: Chop Suey!
Hemomonger: Vemon

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