Character Sheet #44: Órka ‘Salvador’ Ethismós

Name: Órka ‘Salvador’ Ethismós

Alias: N/A

Alignment: Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Neutral





Species: Vampiric Incubus (Despair Variant)

‘Human’/Physical Age: 43
Demon Age: 211,577

Personality: Ruthless, flirtatious and extremely sadistic, Salvador is one of the few Despair Demons who’s feared all around the 8 Rings of Hell. With ties to both the Despair and Greed Rings and his popularity within the the Lust Ring, he can be in any Ring whenever he wants and makes him a threat nobody can truly run away from. This is only made worse when angered; a scene where he becomes even worse than most unhinged Incubi..and possibly on par with Delphini themselves.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Omniromantic Polysexual

Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation: ‘Trauma Surgeon’ (Supposedly)

>Holy Dagger:



  • Vampiric Incubus Physiology
  • Supernatural Condition (Type II)
  • Supernatural Regeneration (Level II)
  • Supernatural Beauty
  • Absorption Kiss
  • Hypnotic Fragrance
  • Daytime Walking
  • Fang/Claw Retraction
  • Blood Consumption/Empowerment/Memory
  • Medical/Surgery/Pharmacognosy Mastery
  • Magic Immunity
  • Personal Anti-Magic
  • Anti-Magic Attacks
  • Anti-Magic Aura/Magic Negation Field
  • Despair Constructs
  • Despair Aura

Grand: N/A

Tekc(s): N/A

Tag Combo(s): N/A


  1. Holy Light is his biggest Weakness as it applies to both his Demonic and Vampiric physiology. He’ll immediately become weaker if exposed to it as his Daytime Walking ability doesn’t apply to it
  2. Stronger Opponents can match/overpower him
  3. As a partial Vampire, Werewolves can still be a natural enemy of his
  4. Angelic Abilities and/or Weaponry can still injure him due to his partially Demonic nature
  5. Due to being part Vampire, he needs to drink Fresh Blood every few hours or risk becoming weaker
  6. Superior Vampires, True Vampires, Vampire Lords, Transcendent Vampires, Demons, Superior Demons, Demonic Lords, Transcendent Demons and/or Ascended Transcendent Demons can match/overpower him easily
  7. A Succubus can match him, while an Erogelic can counter/defeat him easily
  8. An Incubus/Succubus Lord and/or a Transcendent Incubus/Succubus can overpower him easily
  9. Other Demons, Superior Demons, Archdemons, Transcendent Demons and/or Ascended Transcendent Demons can easily match/overpower him
  10. Angels, Superior Angels, Archangels, Angel Lords and/or Transcendent Angels can easily overpower/counter him
  11. Vampire and/or Demon Slayers can kill him
  12. A Wooden Stake through the Heart can kill him
  13. Those with Supernatural Condition 3 can match/defeat him easily
  14. Despite his Supernatural Regeneration allowing him to survive being blown/torn/slashed to pieces, Decapitation and extreme Brain Damage, he can be killed if his entire Body is destroyed with no body parts to Regenerate with
  15. Attacks that can instantaneously kill him—such as One-Hit Kill—will immediately kill him
  16. Complete Destruction of his Body—if fast and strong enough—can kill him
  17. Destruction of his ‘Core’ will immediately kill him
  18. Radiation can affect him on a cellular level and cripple his Supernatural Regeneration from within to the point of being unable to function anymore
  19. With his Supernatural Beauty, being unnoticed is not an option without an extremely obscuring disguise or covering
  20. Those with Psychic Shield, Indomitable Will, Psychic Immunity, Seduction Immunity, Apathy and/or Formless Mind are immune/resistant to his Supernatural Beauty
  21. His Absorption Kiss requires contact by kissing his Target(s)
  22. Immortals cannot be killed by his Absorption Kiss
  23. His Absorption Kiss is ineffective against those with Absorption Immunity
  24. Those with Supernatural Life-Force will only be slightly affected by his Absorption Kiss
  25. His Hypnotic Fragrance requires his Target(s) to smell/inhale the Fragrance to become affected by it
  26. Those with Psychic Shield, Indomitable Will, Psychic Immunity and/or Control Immunity are immune/resistant to his Hypnotic Fragrance
  27. He’ll only be empowered by Blood if he drinks it
  28. His Blood Memory only applies to others’ Memories
  29. His Blood Memory will only work after he drinks others’ Blood
  30. His Magic Immunity makes him immune to all non-overpowered Magics, including Healing Magic, thus making this ability a double-edged sword
  31. Those with Immunity Bypassing and/or Immunity Removal can bypass and/or remove his Magic Immunity
  32. His Magic Immunity is constantly active; he cannot turn it off
  33. Transcendent levels of Magics can completely bypass his Magic Immunity and easily affect him
  34. His Anti-Magic Abilities are useless against anything that’s not Magic and/or Magical
  35. His Anti-Magic Abilities negate any Magic, including beneficial Magics such as White Arts
  36. Transcendent levels of Magics are completely unaffected by his Anti-Magic Abilities
  37. His Magic Negation Field have a maximum range of 11 feet. Meaning that anyone outside of the maximum 11-foot range will be unaffected by it

Backstory: N/A

Extra Info:

  • He’s 9’8 in height.
  • His First and Last names translate to “Orca’s Addiction”.
  • He’s fluent in English, Portuguese and Devil’s Tongue.
  • Like most Despair Demons, he’s in possession of Hopricodimox; a Drug made in the Despair Ring that causes Emotionlessness, potential Hypnosis, Paranoia and Visual Hallucinations. But unlike his peers, he doesn’t take it himself and uses it on others instead.
  • In regards to his more feminine chest, it’s likely that he has Gynecomastia (swollen male chest tissue caused by a hormone imbalance).
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