Character Sheet #34: Kokbiel
Name: Kokbiel
Alias: Kok
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: N/A (Unknown)
Personality: Observant, Pragmatic, Curious, Thoughtful, Semi-Aloof and Humble
Gender: N/A (Unknown)
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: They/He
Formerly: Guardian Angel
Currently: N/A
Weapon/Paraphernalia: N/A
•Supernatural Condition (Type III)
•Large Size (Type I)
•Angelic Abomination
•Multiple Arms
•Multiple Wings
•Angelic Wings
•Angelic Beauty
•Halo Generation
•Bliss & Horror Inducement
•One-Man Army
•Holy Fire Manipulation
•Divine Fire Generation
•Holy Fire Solidification
•Holy-Fire Constructs
•Holy Fire Attacks
•Holy-Fire Combat
•Their Large Size may be a hindrance
•Due to being an Angelic Abomination, they may accidentally scare others
•Can be slayed by Divine Slayers and Angel Slayers
•Archdemons, Archangels and a Supreme God can match/overpower them easily
•Wings can be damaged, destroyed or torn off completely, limiting or completely removing their ability to fly and/or use them
•Those with Divine Power Immunity are immune/resistant to their Angelic Powers
•Their Bliss & Horror Inducement only works on creatures that can experience such feelings
•Hell-Fire and Hell Water can counter their Holy Fire
•Those with Fire Resistance, Thermal Resistance or Fire Immunity are immune/resistant to their Holy Fire
Backstory: N/A
Extra Info:
•They’re 12’7 in height.

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